wtorek, 23 lutego 2016

02. "from site to the territory"

"From site to territory" Lola Sheppard
1. Meaning of words.
That article is talking about meaning of territory. Author show to us nowadays meaning and the way of thinking how that concepts was changed during ages basis on some articles, but the most important is article wrote by Carol Burns "On Site"
So, at the beginning was site: cleared site (natural ground) and constructed site, where we can start to see natural or human forces working on it. Word "site" comes from Latin sinere, which means " let, leave alone or permit". So nowadays that words means that site is a place or position occupied by something.
Then another word, quite connected to site, is a territory. If we try to understand meaning of the word we need to start from the beginning. Terra is a land, terrere means occupied by violence. To sum up territory is a land which is occupied by something or in our case, more by someone.  
And what about ecology ? In those days we should remember that sustainability architecture is very important. But how to connect that sites with ecological thinking?

2. "New cartography".
Cartographic act are depended of information ant potential of the site. Nowadays it is easier because of we can easily get some more data reports, ecological studies etc. Burn, on Fuller example, showed two ways of understanding territory:
3. Layered cartography.
That way of understanding talking about divided environmental into series of individual layers and system. One of leading landscape architect in that trend is McHag. He treat territory as multiple use area. In that case important is also to use GIS ( Geographic Information System), which  consist of analysis layers of information, every layer of ground is shown separately.


4. Networked Territory.
In that way of thinking territory is a subject of multiple intersecting networks of human and naturakl ecologies. Site is a part of larger territory which is forced by political, economic, social and ecological forces. Here important role plays Benton Mackaye and his "liquid planning". He compares architecture to water drop and its waysides.  "Liquid planning" consist of water sheds (bundies elastic) and way sides (large strips near highways). Most important thing in that concept was 
possibility of mobility.

5. Epigenetic Architecture
It is mixed of higher examples. We can talk that territory exist when in the same time we have vertical layer territory and horizontal network territory.  Here forces, data and information improve architecture creating another type - operating architecture. Good example of people using it in their work is MVRDV. Their use data and information to have a visual and spatial view, it is a tool to design urban and spatial planning in the same time remember about economic, society, ecology etc. aspects. One of the examples could be NL Stadt  , project of MVRDV office, where divided and analyze the territory into coast, energy, forest, airport and port zones. And propose a series of urban speculations and relations to each of this programs.

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